You will have seen the news that the county has moved into tier 3 with all that that entails. You may also have seen the RFU guidance to tier 3 and the implications of that.
The CRFU have taken a responsible view all through Covid and I hope you’ll agree we have not only kept clubs informed as to RFU developments but also offered assistance to any club who has either asked or needed it. For that reason we wanted to act quickly on the above.
As a constituent body we think it would be fool hardy to endorse any form of competition and to that aim have suspended the start of our clusters until end of January when we will update. I know this will be disappointing to some but please think of the big picture. The County has already had players tested positive, and I’m sure we all want to support our NHS, with cases on the increase.
To that aim the colts, U16s and the County DPP will also be suspended until 31st January when the position will be reviewed.The Govt are reassessing the situation in a fortnight and we of course will be guided by any changes.
The situation now is simple, as a CB we can not stop you playing friendlies but we would urge you to consider the possible consequences. The RFU allow this but with strict restrictions, please see their website
2020 has been an awful year for us all, let’s hope 2021 is better for all sport and especially Cornish rugby.
Chairman CRFU
Chairman Youth & Education CRFU