Letter that has been sent out to all Cornish Club Secretaries this week from the CRFU.
Dear Secretary,
Re: Covid Virus.
The CRFU is very aware of the problems and decisions that clubs at all levels of rugby will have to make regarding Coronavirus (Covid).
We are aware that we should all show due diligence to ensure the welfare of players, coaches and the rugby community at this difficult time. The advice to us all continues to change and as we approach the weekend fixtures club officials may need support with decision making and the more practical operational details.
We will update the CRFU Web as and when matters develop as well as contacting the Clubs where it is felt necessary and may we confirm that CRFU officials are pleased to help in any way and can be contacted as the situation requires.
May we also draw your attention to a specific situation relating to Clubs and its players who have been selected to represent their County and we ask that the following is observed please:
Should someone catch the virus whilst engaged with county sides, CRFU will inform the club. However, this does not cover someone who has been with the County who subsequently developed symptoms nor does it cover a county player who may have been in contact with someone at the club who developed symptoms. As the government regularly state, tracking contacts is essential in dealing with the Covid.
Can we therefore ask all Clubs that they inform us, in total confidence, of any reports of the virus within their club so we can take appropriate actions in respect of representative rugby so as to limit the spread please? Equally, CRFU will, in total confidence, inform the respective club of any Covid related development that may affect club activities as a result of having one of their players engaged in representative rugby.
The contact person is Bob Hubble, Rugby Safe Lead (rugbysafe@crfu.co.uk) who will treat any correspondence as confidential.
Once again can we remind you that the CRFU Officers will be happy to help in any way and you should not hesitate in making contact with one.
Dave Saunter, Chair.
John Sumnall, President.