In the current Covid climate with its complex and often changing set of
rules and regulations CRFU is aware of the risk for confusion and
conflicting messages. The RFU is quite explicit in its guidance which is
regularly updated on its community game newsletters and CRFU have no doubt that further changes will be made. The challenge lies in keeping the game alive whilst adhering to good practice and government guidelines, especially with the return of youth and junior rugby.
CRFU endorses the following RFU statement and recommends that the simple principles and practices contained in the statement extend to all aspects of a rugby club activity. In the absence of CRFU being notified of the duly nominated person, CRFU will refer to the senior club management team and its lead, namely the club Club Chairman, to be that nominated person with responsibility for all Covid related precautions and practices within the club.
Where it is anticipated that an activity will attract spectators, there should be a named person or persons with responsibility for
ensuring adherence with these guidelines and ensuring the facility is
Covid-19 Secure. The person(s) should carry out and publish a risk
assessment for the activity, which limits the number of spectators and
focuses on the need to maintain social distancing on arrival, for the
duration of the activity and on departure.
Obviously this is a continually evolving situation and the cluster scheme as
promulgated in project Trelawny is there to assist clubs in responding in
as an pragmatic and agile manner as possible to changing circumstances.
Therefore, clubs must clearly notify CRFU the name and contact details of
their Covid responsible point of contact who, in turn, can access assistance
and guidance via their cluster leads.
Contact should be made to the Hon.Sec Terry Williams.