I have received an email from the RFU Safeguarding team with the start of the in touch course which will be virtual. The dates is every Wednesday from September through to December.
I would like to open this up to all clubs and give them specific dates as the maximum for attendance is 30 participants.
Please could you pass onto your cluster clubs these dates for the in touch course:
29th September 7pm til 9:30pm
13th October same time
27th October same time
10th November again same time.
I have given these dates as I can attend but if there is a problem I can book another Wednesday.
Please could you ask your club to email me with their name, club and GMS number this is so I can book them onto the course.
I will put these dates onto the Facebook safeguarding page.
If any would like to discuss further please let me know.
Best Wishes
Upcoming RFU Courses in Cornwall – Numbers needed for courses to run
Kids First Contact Course to be held in Truro RFC needs numbers. At the moment only 4 signed up, needs minimum of 10 to run, so book now please.
I just wanted to make you aware that all course numbers in Cornwall are below the minimum required at the moment so It would be great if you could promote them with any contacts in Cornwall that you may have. I know that some courses are a little way off yet but if possible I would like to get all these courses running with good numbers.
I will share the details attached in the poster with all club coaching coordinators via GMS and wondered if you had a direct mailing list for clubs that you could send this via as well? Try to hit as many people within clubs so the message isn’t missed.
Thanks for your help.
Community Game Update 11th August
Return to Rugby |
This edition includes: 1. Club health check 2. Return to Rugby promotional posters 3. Warrior Camp press release for clubs – Danielle Waterman 4. Age Grade support 5. Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer of the Year winners 6. New financial monitoring & insolvency obligations – RFU Regulation 5 7. Annual D&I Survey – Friday 20 August Club health check The RFU and CBs have enjoyed getting closer to many clubs over the last 18 months and we all want to keep this going post-Covid. As we approach the 2021/22 season, we would like to understand how your club’s preparations are progressing for the new season. Please take this short survey to share your news on the return of players and club finances and to highlight what support you might need this season. It will only take five minutes to complete, but it will be invaluable in helping CBs and the RFU to prioritise where we can support you. Take Survey Pitch Up As we continue to prepare for the Pitch Up for Rugby celebration, digital assets and editable posters will be shared via the below link at the end of the week to help you to re-engage players and build interest for events being held between 4 – 12 September. If your club registered their interest and will be hosting a Pitch Up event in September, please complete the confirmation form below, providing your final event details, by Friday 20 August. This means we can then promote your event on our find rugby page and provide as much support as possible with the planning and preparation. Confirmation Form Assets Page To read the rest of the update click on the link |
40 years of service marked by presentation
As well as celebrating Saunts completion of his 150 mile walk at Perranporth RFC on Saturday 7 August we were able to catch up on a presentation we had been hoping to make earlier, and a very special celebration too.
President, John Sumnall, was able to congratulate David Martin on his completion of 40 continuous years as a Committee Member of the CRFU by presenting David with a suitably inscribed glass bowl. David first became a Committee member when he was appointed as Cornwall Schools Representative following the sad and sudden loss of his brother Victor in 1982. In the ensuing years David has held the positions with the CRFU as Chair, President, RFU Council Representative for 14 years, Representative Rugby Football Schools Union, Chair Disciplinary Committee, Liaison Officer for the many times that Cornwall Clubs and Representative Teams have played at Twickenham and has been elected as a Life Member of the CRFU. Whilst RFU Council Representative David held positions as Chair Laws Sub Committee, Secretary Nominations Committee, Governance Standing Committee and numerous Disciplinary Panels. He also had the honour of representing the RFU at various matches and other events. As a referee David was well respected as a long standing member of the Cornwall Rugby Referees Society having been President and also a RFU Panel Referee for 9 years.
Truly, a remarkable list of activities and commitments especially as he is presently Facility Manager with the CRFU Club Development Committee.
RFU Community Game Update 3rd August
Return to Rugby |
This edition includes: 1. All RFU regulations for the 2021-22 season are now effective 2. Activate and HEADCASE reminders for coaches and players 3. Tackle height law change recap 4. Mitsubishi Motors volunteer awards shortlist 5. Supporting Age Grade to Adult Transition 6. Pitch Up For Rugby countdown 7. News round-up (Including Penryn RFC) RFU regulations for the 2021-22 season All RFU regulations for the 2021-22 season are now effective (as of 1 August 2021) and available below. In addition to key changes already communicated about Age Grade Rugby (RFU Regulation 15) and Payment of Players (RFU Regulation 7), details of other changes relating to the below regulations are set out in the attached document. RFU Regulation 1 (Foreign Player definition) RFU Regulation 5 (Insolvency Regulations) RFU Regulation 7 (Approaches) RFU Regulation 13, Appendix 3 (Non-fulfilment of fixtures due to non-Covid 19 reasons) RFU Regulation 19 (Discipline) RFU Regulation 22 (Covid 19 Variations) For any questions on the regulations, please contact regulations@rfu.com. Further Details Regulations Activate and HEADCASE awareness As we get closer to the start of the season, we want to make sure that players can take to the pitch safely and in their best condition. The Activate resources below will help players return ready to play. Activate is an injury prevention exercise programme that can be integrated into training and pre-match sessions, and is available for players, rugby coaches and teachers via a suite of online resources. Exercises are designed to improve functional and core strength, balance and agility, helping players with the game’s physical demands. Exercises focus on three areas: General movement control, Pre-activation and Functional Conditioning. These aid activation of stabilising head and neck muscles, reducing the potential whiplash effect that can cause a concussion. We also encourage all those involved in the game to take the HEADCASE online education module, which is open to all. The course provides information on how to recognise signs and symptoms of a suspected concussion, as well as concussion management and Graduated Return To Play protocols. Activate Headcase To read the rest of the update click here |
RFU Community Game Update 27th July
Return to Rugby Please share with coaches, players and RugbySafe leads. This edition includes: 1. RugbySafe, Activate & HEADCASE concussion awareness refresher 2. Age grade law adaptations and annual affiliation 3. Training course booking administration update 4. Diversity and Inclusion hub now live 5. Pitch Up for Rugby including Warrior Camps 6. News round-up including Global Law Trial clarifications and O2 Touch legacy RugbySafe, Activate & HEADCASE Concussion awareness refresher 2021/22 Ahead of the new season, we are sharing a reminder of player welfare resources and training and education programmes. Player welfare is at the heart of all training delivered to coaches, match officials and medics at all levels of the game in England. On the below buttons, you will find RugbySafe summaries for the age grade and adult game. Please share this information as widely as possible before pre-season friendlies start. Age Grade RugbySafe Adult RugbySafe Age grade law adaptations and annual affiliation The Summer Activity Guide includes the introduction of adapted contact laws for up to three fixtures in August. The Age Grade Adapted Contact 15s Law Variations are available on the Summer Activity page. These include the re-introduction of scrums and mauls in a gradual and managed way from Saturday 7 August, following the 3-week training period from Monday 19 July. These adapted laws are the format to be played, (along with non-contact and XRugby formats if preferred), before the age grade game moves back to full contact from Saturday 4 September, when the new season starts. Age grade affiliation and auto-de-affiliation – Wednesday 4 August The annual registration for our age grade players is on the horizon. As recently referenced in Community Game Updates, registration will now be referred to as Affiliation which will be ready from 4 August. We will centrally de-affiliate all age grade players in the Game Management System which many clubs chose to do last year. As before, this will simply turn their status from an active to inactive player. It will not delete any of their data or club and profile links. It enables the parent/player to renew their affiliation simply through logging in, checking their existing details and saving to re-affiliate to their club for the season. There are helpful step-by-step guides for the renewal process and for brand new affiliations on the GMS Help Portal. While most clubs will promote this from September, increasing numbers have said they want to get ahead of the curve. Club Registrars will be able to see this activity through their dashboard and the system-generated reports. Affiliation Renewal GMS Help Portal To read the rest of the update click on the link |
RFU Community Game Update
Return to Rugby |
This edition includes: 1. Reminder of gradual return to full contact and updated off-field guidance 2. Return to scrummaging guidance 3. Travel Funding – 23 July deadline 4. Game Leadership Diversity and Inclusion update 5. Community Game Insurance 6. Data tidy-up extension and player affiliation 7. News round-up with County Championship review Return to Rugby – on-field and off-field reminder We hope that clubs and players are enjoying the return to full contact training. While we’re all excited about being able to reintroduce scrums and mauls in training, we want to make sure that all players return safely. We remind coaches and players to follow an incremental approach in training and ahead of full contact matches, which are permitted in the adult game from Saturday 7 August for clubs that wish. Coaches are responsible for working with all players to assess and develop their physical and technical readiness before progressing to matches against other teams. This is especially true for front 5 players given the period of time the game has been operating without scrum and maul. Players should also be encouraged to follow the Activate Injury prevention exercise programme. You can find our updated Return to Community Rugby Roadmap. Key return to full contact dates are summarised here. Age Grade rugby still follows the Summer Activity Guide. This Summer Activity Framework includes provision for friendly matches to be played under adapted contact laws during August. These can start from Saturday 7 August, following a period of development in training sessions from Monday 19 July. Activate – All Age Grade players are encouraged to follow the Activate Injury prevention exercise programme with coaching sessions planned and delivered around the FITT principles (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type). Global Law Trials As communicated last week, World Rugby has released the Global Law trials that will apply to competitions beginning on or after Sunday 1 August 2021. These are available here. We are eager to provide more detailed communication around these law trials, but are awaiting clarification from World Rugby on a couple of areas. As you will be aware, the timeline for the release of the Global Law Trials is set by World Rugby and these are effective from 1 August. We will provide further detail in next Tuesday’s Community Game Update when clarification has been received. Off-Field Guidance We continue to update our Club Support Helpdesk FAQs as we receive more information, for example around Test and Trace, self-screening and how to deal with a positive case. On Monday 16 August, the rules on self-isolating as a contact will change for people who are fully vaccinated and for under 18s. Those not fully vaccinated will still need to isolate if they are contacts, and everyone will still have to isolate if they test positive, to protect themselves and others. The current NHS Test & Trace remains in place until Monday 16 August. There will inevitably be a rise in cases of Covid-19 as measures relax. We must, therefore, manage any risks as best we can by remaining vigilant, supporting the vaccination effort and reminding members to self-isolate if they have a positive Covid test. With millions of us now protected by the vaccine, you are less likely to become seriously ill or go to hospital. Getting your Covid-19 vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others from the virus. To get maximum protection, you must get a second dose after 8 weeks. If you’re over 18, Go to nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/ to book, or visit your local walk-in centre. Club Support Helpdesk To read the rest of the update click on the link |
Community Game Update 13th July
Breaking News – Return dates for full contact rugby Clubs can re-instate scrums and mauls in training from Monday 19 July and in matches from, and not before, Saturday 7 August. The new season is set to start as normal for the whole community game. We are thrilled that clubs and players will be able to return to full contact rugby. As always, player welfare is our main priority and we need to manage the return to scrums and mauls as safely as possible. Read on for the step-by-step plan. |
Return to Rugby This edition includes: 1. Adult Rugby Roadmap – return to full contact friendly matches from Saturday 7 August for clubs that wish 2. Age Grade Rugby – Summer Activity Guide continuation – adapted contact laws in friendlies from Saturday 7 August 3. Key priorities for clubs and coaches including scrummaging guides 4. Off-field guidance from 19 July 5. Pitch Up For Rugby – 50 days to go promotion 6. Warrior Camps – bring new players to your club 7. News round-up 8. Webinars and on-demand Adult Rugby Roadmap – return to full contact dates When can clubs return to full contact rugby? (10s and 15-a-side) We have carefully considered the preparation period required after a long lay-off. We have taken advice from medics, coaches, directors of rugby and players within the community game to create the below pathway: Adult Rugby The updated rugby roadmap for adult rugby is here. Monday 19 July Scrums and mauls can be re-instated in training only. A minimum 3-week preparation period of training sessions follows ahead of match play. Coaches are reminded that they are responsible for working with all players to assess their physical readiness and technical competence before returning to scrummaging. Players may be at different levels of fitness and conditioning. See below guidance for returning to scrummaging safely. Coaches must be satisfied that players have undertaken sufficient technical preparation, skill refinement and reconditioning work before returning to full contact match play. Internal training games are allowed between Monday 19 July and Saturday 7 August. Training games should include an incremental approach to scrummaging and coaches should rotate players every 20 minutes. Clubs should not return to match intensity full contact 15 a-side training games immediately. Saturday 7 August Full contact 15-a-side and 10-a-side rugby matches, with scrums and mauls, may resume against other clubs from, and not before, Saturday 7 August. It is the choice of clubs and players whether they wish to compete in full contact matches from Saturday 7 August. There is no pressure to do so. Teams that do not yet feel ready for full contact 15s have the option of playing 7s, 10s, XRugby or 15-a-side rugby with uncontested scrums. Saturday 4 September Full contact 15-a-side league rugby commences for Men’s Levels 3 and 4, and for 14-team men’s leagues in Levels 5 and below. Saturday 18 September Full contact 15-a-side league rugby commences for 12 and 10 league men’s teams in London & SE. Saturday 25 September Full contact 15-a-side league rugby commences for 12 and 10 league men’s teams in North, Midlands & SW. 25/26 September Full contact 15-a-side- rugby commences for majority of women’s competitions. Global Law Trials The Global Law trial laws for next season have been released by World Rugby and are on their website. Detailed work is underway to ensure they can be properly communicated to the Game in due course. Sevens For the avoidance of doubt, Sevens fixtures can return with full laws from Monday 19 July. To read the rest of the update click on the link |
Diversity & Inclusion – Update
We’re keen to update you on the progress being made as part of the RFU’s commitment to improving diversity and inclusion in rugby union. Please feel free to share this information more widely if you wish. We will also send an update to clubs after CBs have had time to familiarise themselves with the plans. The RFU has been focussing on four key areas of the game: 1. Game Leadership – volunteer leaders within clubs, Constituent Bodies (CBs) and Council. 2. Game Play – players, coaches, match officials and club volunteers 3. Fans, Followers and Partners 4. Employees and Board Further background on each area can be found here. Over the next year, we will provide regular updates in each of the four work streams. In this communication, we begin by focussing on an area in which you play such an integral role and look at how we can support you in this capacity. Game Leadership – supporting volunteer leaders at clubs, CBs and Council. Below you can find: • An overview of plans that will be delivered by the RFU Council D&I Implementation Working Group. The attachment includes a progress report on each of the 10 recommendations approved by RFU Council that this group will focus on implementing. • The information is available in both a PDF and more interactive format via the buttons below. • A shareable jpeg visual that summarises the four key D&I workstreams is here. Key areas include: • A training programme to be initiated for Council and all Constituent Bodies to support with diversity awareness. • Guidance to be provided by the RFU to Constituent Bodies and clubs to support inclusive practices and showcase best practice. A best practice recruitment tool kit to be shared to attract a diverse range of candidates for each appointment; supporting Constituent Bodies to attract and retain a more diverse pool of people. Have you confirmed your CB D&I Lead yet? Our D&I lead in Cornwall is Steve Murley We’re organising plans and communications for the 2021/22 season to support D&I Leads, kicking off with a workshop on Monday 23 August. We know some CBs are midway through their recruitment process. However, if you need further assistance, or if you are ready to nominate your D&I lead, please contact your Council Member or MarissaLowe@RFU.com Read Update Interactive Format |
Community Game Update 6th July
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This edition includes: 1. Government update 2. A new chapter for Touch Rugby 3. Sky Sports for RFU affiliated rugby clubs 4. Pitch Up For Rugby – 4-12 September 5. First aid 6. GMS data tidy up – more information 7. News round-up 8. Webinars and on-demand videos Government update In light of the positive announcement by the Prime Minister yesterday evening, outlining the government’s plan for Covid restrictions to lift from Monday 19 July, we are anticipating this will enable us to re-instate scrums and mauls and to start next season as normal. However, it is important to note that we are awaiting government’s confirmed position on sport and, in our case, permission to return to full contact rugby. We hope to receive guidance from government over the next week and will share further details as we get them. Government will continue to monitor data and we should therefore be prepared to adapt should an increase in cases or emergence of a new variant require us to do so. Over the coming week, we will work with government to interpret what any new guidance means for community sport and community rugby clubs specifically. As information is confirmed, we will update our Helpdesk FAQs and issue further guidance in next week’s Community Game Update. GMS Data tidy-up Over the last few weeks, we have seen an increase in GMS usage due to the data tidy-up, with 25,000 people having logged in since Friday 18 June. During the process, clubs have raised important questions which we have reviewed. Following conversations with clubs, we have produced a short document that we hope will help clubs and CBs further understand the need for the tidy up. This project is directly related to the “Player Affiliation” mentioned in our CGU on 15 June, with more information to follow. Responding to feedback received, we have amended the criteria for archiving data. The following will now not be archived in this process: • Players who have appeared on an electronic match card. • Individuals with an active club membership. • Individuals with an active DBS. We will be running a live session on Tuesday 13 July for Data Officers to help answer any questions you might have. This will be an opportunity for clubs to ask any questions they may have with Programme Coordinator Alex Bowden and Senior Delivery Manager Matt Holding. More Information Webinar To read the rest of the update click on the link |