Return to Rugby |
As a reminder, the Community Game Updates will now be fortnightly unless there are any important Government or Game updates. This edition includes: 1. Return to Rugby – Indian Covid-19 variant – 8 geographic areas (Check Govt updates!) 2. Stage D2 reminder 3. NatWest RugbyForce 4. Player data 5. Dates for the diary 6. Girls Cup changes 7. Allianz Premiership 15s Final and magazine show 8. Webinars and on-demand videos 9. Young Warrior Cheick To read the content click on the link |
Community Game Update 18th May
Return to Rugby We are delighted for everyone across the country that your clubhouses can finally re-open. We hope everyone enjoys being able to make good use of the facilities again! This edition includes: 1. Stage D2 still in effect – no scrums or mauls until further notice 2. Mental Health resources available to download 3. England Summer Series – book tickets now |
Stage D2 continues CBs and clubs are reminded that we must remain at Stage D2 on the return to rugby roadmap. As announced on Friday, Government has not given permission for community rugby to move to Stage E1 yet. This means that, until further notice, no scrums or mauls are permitted in either training or fixtures. The decision applies to all levels in the men’s and women’s game below the Gallagher Premiership, Allianz Premier 15’s and Greene King IPA Championship (which follow elite return to play protocols. We will continue our conversation with government around when it maybe possible to move to Stage E. Insurance cover for RFU clubs remains in place and as well as providing cover for usual activity, the insurance protects clubs against allegations relating to Covid-19, provided they are operating within RFU regulations and government guidelines. Clubs should undertake risk assessments of both their premises and any activity that is taking place to establish what measures need to be taken. This includes training sessions. Risk assessment should be kept on file. Further advice and resources can be located at England Rugby Insurance. Updates will be provided when available. Age Grade Playing Guidance has been updated We have reviewed the playing guidance and updated it to better suit players’ needs. • 1 September – 31 October – Current Age Grade (2020/2021 season) rules apply for all matches and training, internal and against another team. • 1 November – 31 December – New Age Grade (2021/2022 season) rules can be applied in training and internal matches only. Non internal matches must be played under 2020/2021 age grade rules. The changes can be viewed in more detail in the updated Age Grade document. Rugby Camps Guidance supporting organisers of rugby camps and those reviewing/approving CBs is being updated to help achieve alignment with the Summer Activity Guide. This will be available by the beginning of June. Current off-field guidance Yesterday, Monday 17 May, saw changes in off-field guidance. These can be found via our Help Desk FAQs, which includes current information on hospitality, travel and facilities guidance. We have also received updated guidance from Sport England around spectators which you can find on the FAQs. We ask that you read this carefully to ensure that when you have spectators, they stick to their groups of up to 30. While there can be more than one group of 30, it is important there is clearly defined space between groups and they do not join with another group to make it 60, 90 etc. Spectators are now permitted both indoors and outdoors in Step 3, but capacity limits apply. All spectators should maintain social distancing and must adhere to legal gathering limits whilst they’re spectating. There cannot be any groups larger than 30 people. Multiple groups of spectators are permitted. Spectators should minimise shouting or raising their voices. There is an additional risk of infection where people are shouting or singing in close proximity to others. It is important that all spectators (including supporters, parents and others) adhere to the legal gathering limits. In addition to being legal requirements punishable by fines, those violating the measures are endangering public safety and undermining the case for safe sport to be allowed to take place. More information can be found on the Government’s Coronavirus (Covid-19) grassroots sports guidance. Helpdesk FAQs Return To Rugby |
RugbySafe and Simplyhealth Mental Wellbeing Support During Mental Health Awareness Week last week, we and our trusted health partner Simplyhealth, published a range of material to help the rugby community enhance their wellbeing and provide support for those who might need it. A new mental wellbeing resource, as well as mental health awareness posters and on-demand webinars, can be accessed through our RugbySafe page below. RugbySafe Page |
Get tickets to watch England men This week marks the gradual return of supporters to sporting fixtures. With the Summer Series set to kick-off against the USA on Sunday 4 July. What better way to celebrate getting back to playing and watching rugby than a day out with your teammates at Twickenham? Tickets are on sale for both England v USA on Sunday 4 July 2021 and England v Canada on Saturday 10 July, and you can purchase them via the e-ticketing website below, with adult tickets ranging from £15 to £50, and junior tickets at £10, subject to availability. If you require accessible seating, please secure your tickets first and then submit a request. We will arrange for seats that are suitable for your requirements. Tickets must only be purchased in household groupings All tickets will be delivered via the Twickenham App to a mobile device. You can read more on our Covid-19 safety protocols below. Covid-19 Information Buy Tickets |
Community rugby to remain at Stage D2
Government confirm community rugby to remain at Stage D2 from 17 May Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to secure approval, government has not given permission for us to re-instate scrums and mauls in community rugby from next week. This applies to both age grade and adult rugby at level 3 and below. We must therefore, regrettably, remain at Stage D2 from Monday 17 May until further notice. As per Stage D2 guidance, contact training (excluding scrum and maul) and 15-a-side adapted laws matches may continue. While we appreciate how frustrating this news will be for the rugby community, we also understand the picture that government and Public Health England (PHE) are currently looking at, with growing concerns around the Indian variant of Covid-19 in England. Next Steps We will remain in close contact with government and continue to press for progression to Stage E1, and therefore a move to full contact training, as soon as health guidance suggests this is possible. In the meantime it is important that we all; CBs, clubs, coaches, players, match officials and volunteers, adhere to all government guidance and do not return to scrums or mauls until we have been given permission to do so. We will keep you informed. Off-field Guidance Off-field guidance, which will come into effect on Monday 17 May, is available via our Helpdesk on the button below. Helpdesk |
RFU Community Game Update 11th May
Return to Rugby |
As a reminder, the Community Game Updates will be fortnightly unless there are any important Government or Game updates. This edition includes: 1. Awaiting decision from government on move from Stage D2 2. RUWSF Asset Improvement Loan applications – Closed 3. Mental Health Awareness 4. Help players prepare through Activate 5. Artificial Grass Pitch usage 6. Volunteers Week: 1 – 7 June 7. Allianz Inner Warrior Club press release 8. Webinars and on-demand videos Decision on move from Stage D2 to Stage E awaited from government Since Monday’s announcement about the relaxation of Covid restrictions from Monday 17 May, we have remained in discussion with government around permission for us to move to the next stage on our rugby roadmap – Stage E1. Dialogue continues to be positive, however, a decision has not yet been made by government about whether we can reintroduce scrum and maul activity to training from Monday. Whilst we share your frustration at not yet having permission to move to Stage E, we will continue to work with Government to facilitate this progression and a return to full contact rugby. We hope to receive a decision from Government later this week and we will communicate this information as soon as we can. As a reminder age grade rugby is until Monday 31 May, when the season will finish and the Summer Activity Framework will come into effect. Information to help this can be found on the Return to Rugby page below. Current off-field guidance Off-field guidance is available via our Help Desk FAQs below, in line with steps reached on the government’s roadmap. As of Monday17 May, when Government’s Step 3 comes into play, we will also update FAQs to reflect the arrangements for changing rooms, clubhouses and hospitality. We have also updated FAQs around spectators to help answer your queries. A top line summary regarding spectators is as follows: Government guidance does not permit spectators at sporting events that take place on private land, this includes private rugby club sites. This does not apply to carers for disabled people or adults needed to supervise under-18s that they have a responsibility for whilst they are participating in an organised sporting activity. Supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble. In age grade rugby, we consider one parent/carer on the sideline acting in a supervising capacity for their child is good practice, especially in the Kids First age groups (U13 and below). They are not ‘spectators’, they have responsibility to help the coaches, managers and volunteers supervise their child. Organisers/clubs need to ensure it is just one parent/carer and that, as per government guidance, social distancing is in place. In a public space, such as a park, people can view recreational or organised sport that is taking place, in groups of up to six people or two households. Helpdesk FAQs Return To Rugby RUWSF Asset Improvement Loan Applications deadline Today (11th May) saw the closing of the applications for the Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan. We want to thank all the clubs that have shown interest and worked so hard to complete their applications. We hope these loans will help clubs improve their facilities and assist their recovery from Covid, to support long-term sustainability by diversifying revenue, reducing costs, or protecting and growing memberships. If any clubs had major issues during their submission, please contact your Club Developer or email no later than Friday 14 May. To read the rest of the update click on the link |
RFU Community Game Update 27th April.
Return to Rugby We hope you are all enjoying having rugby and outdoor hospitality back up and running at your clubs. The Community Game Update will move to fortnightly editions to space out communications unless there is important information to share, such as government guidance or financial support. This edition includes: 1. Return to Play – Stage D2 guidance 2. 14 days left for RUWSF Asset Improvement Loan applications 3. Training Course calendar 2020 – 2021 4. Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer of the Year – six days to go 5. Webinars and on-demand videos 6. Red Roses help create a Warrior buzz 7. 2021 RFU AGM notice Return to Play – Another step closer Yesterday we saw the move to Stage D2, which now means contact fixtures with adapted laws can be played and is another step in the right direction. We have updated resources on the Return to Rugby page below, including stage D2 Guidance and a Stage D2 Law variations video. This move to Stage D2 also applies to age grade rugby until the 31 May, when the season will finish and the Summer Activity Framework will come into effect. Information to help you prepare can be found below. Age Grade Changes Summer Activity Guide Summer Activity Overview Stage D2 Age Grade Match Guidance The next #AskAgeGrade session on @AgeGradeRugby will be hosted on Monday 3 May. Current off-field guidance Off-field guidance is available via our Help Desk FAQs below, in line with steps reached on the government’s roadmap. Helpdesk FAQs Return To Rugby To read the rest of the update please click on the link |
D2 Day, 26th April
The RFU road map has today moved to D2. With adapted law matches now allowed. Scrum and Maul are still excluded.
RFU Community Game Update 20th April
Return to Rugby This edition includes: 1. Return to Play – one week until Stage D2 2. RUWSF Asset Improvement Loan applications – 11 May deadline 3. Adult Male Future Competition Structure from 2022/23 season 4. Payment of Players update 5. Mental Health support coming out of lockdown 6. Red Roses in Six Nations Final this Saturday 7. Webinars and on demand videos Return to Play – Move to Stage D2 from 26 April From Monday 26 April we will return to Stage D2 on the rugby roadmap, which includes contact fixtures with adapted laws. Please familiarise yourselves with the guidance below. A video is also available here. Age Grade This move to Stage D2 also applies to age grade rugby, from Monday 26 April until the end of the extended 2020-21 age grade season on Monday 31 May 2021. From Tuesday 1 June, we move to the out-of-season period through June, July and August, when activity will follow the Summer Activity Framework. For details, see below. Age Grade Changes Summer Activity Guide Summer Activity Overview Stage D2 Age Grade Match Guidance The next #AskAgeGrade session on @AgeGradeRugby will be hosted on Monday 3 May. Current off-field guidance Off-field guidance is available via our Help Desk FAQs below, in line with steps reached on the government’s roadmap. Helpdesk FAQs D2 Guidance Payment of Players update Following RFU Council’s vote on Friday, the below changes have been agreed to Payment of Players, Regulation 7. 1. The following changes to the thresholds at Level 3, 4 and 5 for season 2021-22. While clubs are able to pay above the threshold, if they do they will lose access to RFU Benefits as defined by Regulation 7. The revised thresholds are: • Level 3 – £250,000 (down from £275,000) • Level 4 – £125,000 (down from £157,500) • Level 5 – £50,000 (down from £65,000) • Level 6 – £0 – no change 2. All clubs at Level 8 and below and all non-voting clubs will only need to complete the declaration annually if they pay their players or player coaches and wish to be eligible for RFU Benefits. 3. There will be no requirement for Student clubs to complete the declaration annually unless the Student club plays in an RFU League at level 7 and above. Any questions please contact To read the rest of the update, click on the link |
RFU Community Game Update 9th April
Return to Rugby |
This edition includes: 1. RUWSF Asset Improvement Loan Programme 2. Return to Play – Off-field changes from Monday 12 April – Government Step 2 3. Return to Play – Rugby update 4. RFU Age Grade Summer Activity Framework 5. RFU Adult Men’s and Women’s Competitions 2021/22 6. County Championship Review 7. Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer of the Year 2021 – nominate by 2 May 8. Watch the Red Roses and videos on demand County Championship Review As many of you will be aware, an independent review is underway of the County Championship across both the Men’s and Women’s Senior Competition and the U20s Men’s Competition, with an aim of making recommendations to the Community Game Board on the future and format of the competition. Please keep an eye out for a survey that will be circulated this Monday, 12 April, to players, coaches, CBs and Clubs. We are keen to hear from as many people as possible to understand your views and to collate feedback that will help to inform the group recommendations. Please contact should you have further questions. To read the rest of the update click on the link |
Return to Rugby – latest guidance
Here is the latest guidance on return to rugby including:
– On field guidance
– Summer Activity Overview
– Test & trace
– Clubhouses & Pitches
RFU Community Game Update 1st April
Content: 1. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan Prospectus 2. RFU Transgender Policy Proposal – External Consultation 3. 2021 Women’s Six Nations kicks off this weekend Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan Prospectus We are delighted to launch our full prospectus for the Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loans programme. This is a partnership programme enabling government loans to be made available, via the RFU, to help clubs invest in their assets to enable them to reboot and become more financially resilient into the future. It has been designed and developed in conjunction with Sport England who continue to provide oversight. At the time of writing, government have confirmed that the programme is open to all incorporated clubs and we are continuing dialogue with them to look at ways by which this can be extended to unincorporated clubs. We hope to have this resolved next week but wanted to publish the prospectus today to enable clubs to have as much time as possible to consider the detail of the scheme and discuss their appetite to apply. Loan funding is available between £20,000 and £150,000 for facility projects that will help clubs to survive, diversify revenue, reduce operating costs and protect and grow their membership. This prospectus outlines the applications process and key facts about the three funding “buckets” available, as well as repayment terms, example costs and RFU support available relating to each eligible project category. We aim to open the application process next week, at which point detailed FAQs will be available to consult alongside the prospectus to enable clubs to determine whether to make an application, to select the most suitable project for your club and to calculate loan repayment terms. Further information will be published on our loans page next week. Loans Prospectus RFU Transgender Policy Proposal – External Consultation The RFU is conducting a review of its transgender policy which sets out the eligibility criteria for playing contact rugby union in England. As part of the review process, the external consultation for the proposed policy is now open. The consultation period will run until 5pm on Friday 16 April and we welcome your feedback. We encourage anyone who wishes to engage in the external consultation to read the proposed policy in full and watch the video before completing the survey. You can find all of this information, including the survey link and background video, via the button below. As the national governing body for rugby union in England, it is the responsibility of the RFU to regulate participation in order to promote the safe and equitable treatment of all taking part. Rugby Union is a sport for all and the RFU seeks to promote equal opportunities to ensure that anyone who wishes to play the game should be able to do so without prejudice. It’s important to consider the individuals involved and the sense of community and acceptance that our transgender players tell us rugby provides for them. As a contact sport, player welfare is paramount and the proposed policy seeks to strike a balance between inclusion, fairness and safe participation. Transgender Policy 2021 Women’s Six Nations kicks off this weekend The Red Roses’ opener against Scotland will be live on BBC iPlayer this Saturday, kick off 3pm. The full match day squad, captained by Emily Scarratt, is listed below. You can also watch the team’s preparations in O2 Inside Line: Red Roses, Season 2, Episode 1. Full Squad O2 Inside Line |