The CRFU were saddened to learn of the passing of Ray Plummer, a stalwart of Cornish rugby both with Penryn R.F.C. and as an esteemed county official, passed away on Tuesday morning aged 86. County President John Sumnall spoke fulsomely of Ray."He gave an enormous amount of his time to Rugby. He was Cornwall RFU Representative to the RFU Council from 1995 - 2002 and when standing down was made a Distinguished Member, Treasurer of Cornwall RFU 1986-1998, Treasurer and later Chair of the Cornwall Referees Society in the 1980s and of course a life long member of Penryn RFC." At present funeral arrangements have not been announced but we will keep you advised although the present covid restrictions will be in place. A sad loss to Cornwall. A Tribute to Ray via Penryn RFC UPDATE Ray's funeral will take place at Penmount crematorium, Trelawny Chapel on Tuesday 22nd September 2 pm. Afterwards at Penryn RFC, but due to numbers only those attending the funeral. Covid restrictions apply. Further details T Cooke Funeral Directors, Falmouth.
Covid 19 Risk Assessment concerning spectators at clubs
In the current Covid climate with its complex and often changing set of
rules and regulations CRFU is aware of the risk for confusion and
conflicting messages. The RFU is quite explicit in its guidance which is
regularly updated on its community game newsletters and CRFU have no doubt that further changes will be made. The challenge lies in keeping the game alive whilst adhering to good practice and government guidelines, especially with the return of youth and junior rugby.
CRFU endorses the following RFU statement and recommends that the simple principles and practices contained in the statement extend to all aspects of a rugby club activity. In the absence of CRFU being notified of the duly nominated person, CRFU will refer to the senior club management team and its lead, namely the club Club Chairman, to be that nominated person with responsibility for all Covid related precautions and practices within the club.
Where it is anticipated that an activity will attract spectators, there should be a named person or persons with responsibility for
ensuring adherence with these guidelines and ensuring the facility is
Covid-19 Secure. The person(s) should carry out and publish a risk
assessment for the activity, which limits the number of spectators and
focuses on the need to maintain social distancing on arrival, for the
duration of the activity and on departure.
Obviously this is a continually evolving situation and the cluster scheme as
promulgated in project Trelawny is there to assist clubs in responding in
as an pragmatic and agile manner as possible to changing circumstances.
Therefore, clubs must clearly notify CRFU the name and contact details of
their Covid responsible point of contact who, in turn, can access assistance
and guidance via their cluster leads.
Contact should be made to the Hon.Sec Terry Williams.
RFU Coronavirus Update 8th September
We have provided a link to an on demand webinar to help the rugby community manage Stage D activities. We’ve also shared some highlights from the successful NatWest RugbyForce weekend. RFU headlines Local lockdown guidelines Clubs are reminded that the powers around local restrictions lie with their local authorities. We are advised that unless local restrictions specifically mention restrictions on team sports and/or rugby, clubs should follow the NGB guidelines. This includes the North West of England where some restrictions have now been lifted. To read the rest of the update click on the link Please visit our dedicated web portal on the England Rugby website to access coronavirus information and updates here. Past editions of these weekly updates can be found on this part of the website. Click here if you need to find a previous edition. |
Nat West Rugby Force
By all accounts a great weekend across the Duchy with lots of stuff done!
Great little video by Kevin Bishop and Falmouth RFC sums up the weekend
RFU Community Game Update – 1st September.
Coronavirus (Covid-19) update Please find below the thirty-eighth edition of our coronavirus (Covid-19) update. We have provided an update on the move to Stage D on the Return to Community Rugby Roadmap and, as promised, the latest update (Tuesday 1 September) on adult and age-grade competitions. Community Rugby – moved to stage D With the exception of clubs impacted by local lockdown restrictions, effective today, Tuesday 1 September, we have moved to Stage D on the Return to Community Rugby Roadmap. Clubs are now able to organise non-contact fixtures with other clubs using Ready4Rugby and other touch rugby activity. Limited and restricted contact rugby training is also now allowed. Varied training conditions will allow the return of tackling, lineouts and rucks, ensuring that players are prepared to perform these skills safely and effectively with some restrictions. Mauls, scrums, opposed lineouts or upright tackles are still not permissible as the transmission exposure risk remains high. Contact training sessions have to be carried out in small groups of no more than six players. Detail of the permitted training activity is available in the return to contact training guidance. To read the rest of the update please click on the link. Please visit our dedicated web portal on the England Rugby website to access coronavirus information and updates here. Past editions of these weekly updates can be found on this part of the website. Click here if you need to find a previous edition. |
CRFU looking to appoint coaches for Cornwall Girls U.18s & U.15s
Openings: Cornwall Girls U18s and U15s coaches for 2020/21
Whatever twists and turns the coming season has in store for us, we’re looking to make sure that the opportunity to pull on the black and gold for this year’s players is still available, even if it’s for one or two friendlies rather than the big festival format that we’ve become accustomed to.
To that end we need coaching applicants for both the U18s and U15s head coach, forwards coach and backs coach roles. As well as working to select and coach the county girls team, successful applicants will also help deliver coaching at the county girls Development Days as well.
Anyone who fancies getting involved with these very rewarding and enjoyable roles need simply send a rugby CV and cover letter to Ross Tucknott, by the 15th September.
CRFU launch Project Trelawny
Over the past few months the CRFU have been exploring ways of getting our game back on it’s feet having suffered the double blow of the continuing covid-19 pandemic allied with the deep cuts to community rugby imposed by the RFU.
It has become increasingly clear that the way forward has to come from within, from both the county CB and our clubs working together to deliver the game to the rugby community and to see it thrive going forward.
To meet this aim the CRFU are delighted to launch Project Trelawny, it is very much hoped that all our Cornish clubs will buy into this project for the benefit of One & All!
Commending the project CRFU Chairman Dave Saunter said. “During these difficult times, the CRFU management board have been busy strengthening the support we give to clubs, this has developed into Project Trelawny. The RFU have their own issues involving finance and man-power, our belief is that more will be devolved to the Counties, and we are preparing for this.
“The support we offer will be increased and enhanced, this started with Legionnaires testing and will continue. All clubs will be clustered into groups of 4 with support of 2 management board members, helping to direct clubs to appropriate solutions.
All clubs have been contacted advising them of Project Trelawny and inviting them to an initial meeting with their cluster “buddies” and appointed Management Board reps.
Saunter added. “I look forward to seeing and working with you all soon.”
Saunter’s messaged was endorsed by the CRFU President John Sumnall. “We recommend this project to all clubs as it will provide a clear and local pathway to the return to playing rugby. Competitive rugby may not have begun but Project Trelawny enables the clubs to begin preparing for that day and the CRFU Management Board Members look forward to assisting.
With clubs having been sent the plan document for perusal the President looked forward to an early response from the clubs. “The outline of the concept and areas of activity has been circulated to all our clubs for consideration and CRFU Management board personnel are ready and available to assist clubs in any way possible. In the first instance they should address any comments or questions to the Management Board members allocated to their cluster.”
Community Rugby Roadmap to move to Phase D from 1st September
Clubs will be able to start limited and restricted contact rugby training and organise inter-club non-contact fixtures. This follows the reintroduction of intra-club non-contact rugby union activity at the beginning of August.
The reintroduction of limited contact training has been approved by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (‘DCMS’) and moves The Return to Community Rugby Roadmap from Stage C to Stage D.
The reinstatement of some contact activity is important to ensure players can continue to practice core skills and are able to start preparing and conditioning themselves appropriately as the game starts to return to normality with regular training and matches.
Varied training conditions will allow the return of tackling, lineouts and rucks, ensuring players are prepared to perform these skills safely and effectively with some restrictions. Mauls, scrums, opposed lineouts or upright tackles are still not permissible as the transmission exposure risk remains high. Contact training sessions have to be carried out in small groups of no more than six players.
Detail of the permitted training activity is available in the return to contact training guidance.
RFU Community Game Update – 25th August
Coronavirus (Covid-19) update Please find below the thirty-seventh edition of our coronavirus (Covid-19) update. We have provided a reminder that in September the NatWest Rugby Force weekend will take place on the 5th/6th, followed by the Pitch Up for Rugby weekend on the 12th/13th. We have also provided an update regarding the impact of various local restrictions on rugby activity. RFU headlines Community Rugby – current position With the exception of clubs impacted by local lockdown restrictions, we remain at Stage C on the Return to Community Rugby Roadmap. The rugby community can, if they wish, recommence some larger group rugby activity, initially non-contact, subject to adherence with RFU guidance and also continuing to follow Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) Guidelines. The return is initially through Ready4Rugby, a non-contact game, and other touch rugby activity (including O2 Touch). To read the rest of the update, click on the link Please visit our dedicated web portal on the England Rugby website to access coronavirus information and updates here. Past editions of these weekly updates can be found on this part of the website. Click here if you need to find a previous edition. |
T.K. Vivian – R.I.P.
The C.R.F.U. were saddened to learn of the passing of former county player Keith Vivian aged 94.
Keith played for Camborne before and after attending Cambridge University. A powerful lock he played for Cornwall 14 times between 1945-53 and for the South West against the 1953 All Blacks at Camborne, a game lost 0-9.
The President and everyone at the C.R.F.U. wish to covey their condolences to Keith’s family and friends at this time.
For a fuller appreciation please see the article by Ted Williams on the Camborne RFC website.