Here is the latest guidance on return to rugby including:
– On field guidance
– Summer Activity Overview
– Test & trace
– Clubhouses & Pitches
Rugby Football Union
by Bill Hooper
Here is the latest guidance on return to rugby including:
– On field guidance
– Summer Activity Overview
– Test & trace
– Clubhouses & Pitches
by Bill Hooper
Part one of the documentary video “The Meaning of Black & Gold”, with players and supporters of the Cornall rugby team, produced and edited by the CRFU Social Media Team of Davis Burrows and Mark Collett.
Click on the link below to access the video on Youtube.
by Bill Hooper
Content: 1. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan Prospectus 2. RFU Transgender Policy Proposal – External Consultation 3. 2021 Women’s Six Nations kicks off this weekend Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan Prospectus We are delighted to launch our full prospectus for the Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loans programme. This is a partnership programme enabling government loans to be made available, via the RFU, to help clubs invest in their assets to enable them to reboot and become more financially resilient into the future. It has been designed and developed in conjunction with Sport England who continue to provide oversight. At the time of writing, government have confirmed that the programme is open to all incorporated clubs and we are continuing dialogue with them to look at ways by which this can be extended to unincorporated clubs. We hope to have this resolved next week but wanted to publish the prospectus today to enable clubs to have as much time as possible to consider the detail of the scheme and discuss their appetite to apply. Loan funding is available between £20,000 and £150,000 for facility projects that will help clubs to survive, diversify revenue, reduce operating costs and protect and grow their membership. This prospectus outlines the applications process and key facts about the three funding “buckets” available, as well as repayment terms, example costs and RFU support available relating to each eligible project category. We aim to open the application process next week, at which point detailed FAQs will be available to consult alongside the prospectus to enable clubs to determine whether to make an application, to select the most suitable project for your club and to calculate loan repayment terms. Further information will be published on our loans page next week. Loans Prospectus RFU Transgender Policy Proposal – External Consultation The RFU is conducting a review of its transgender policy which sets out the eligibility criteria for playing contact rugby union in England. As part of the review process, the external consultation for the proposed policy is now open. The consultation period will run until 5pm on Friday 16 April and we welcome your feedback. We encourage anyone who wishes to engage in the external consultation to read the proposed policy in full and watch the video before completing the survey. You can find all of this information, including the survey link and background video, via the button below. As the national governing body for rugby union in England, it is the responsibility of the RFU to regulate participation in order to promote the safe and equitable treatment of all taking part. Rugby Union is a sport for all and the RFU seeks to promote equal opportunities to ensure that anyone who wishes to play the game should be able to do so without prejudice. It’s important to consider the individuals involved and the sense of community and acceptance that our transgender players tell us rugby provides for them. As a contact sport, player welfare is paramount and the proposed policy seeks to strike a balance between inclusion, fairness and safe participation. Transgender Policy 2021 Women’s Six Nations kicks off this weekend The Red Roses’ opener against Scotland will be live on BBC iPlayer this Saturday, kick off 3pm. The full match day squad, captained by Emily Scarratt, is listed below. You can also watch the team’s preparations in O2 Inside Line: Red Roses, Season 2, Episode 1. Full Squad O2 Inside Line |
by Bill Hooper
Return to Rugby This edition includes: 1. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund – Loans prospectus 2. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund – Grant update from Steve Grainger 3. Car Sharing – Updated guidance 4. First Aid – Updated guidance 5. Return to Rugby On-field guidance 6. Return to Rugby Off-field guidance 7. Warrior Camps to return in May – sign up now! 8. Government Restart Grants 9. Webinars and On demand videos Send photos and videos to @EnglandRugby of you gearing up for rugby; cleaning your boots, preparing the pitch and getting your kit ready with #ReturnToRugby. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Loans update We hope that clubs have found the advance prospectus helpful and that they can continue to think about how they may wish to use the asset loan. In the video below, Ted Mitchell, tells us what they can be used for and details the terms attached to each loan. Both the video and advance prospectus can be found below. This can also be found on our loans page, with the application period set to open in early April. Advance Prospectus Prospectus Video Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund – Grant update from Steve Grainger Over the last few weeks we have been notifying clubs who have been awarded grants from the rugby Union Winter Survival fund, which will continue over the next few weeks. We are aware that some clubs are querying the amounts awarded. The video below explains how they have been calculated. Watch Video To read the rest of the update click on the link |
by Bill Hooper
The Government Roadmap has moved to Step One – from today Monday 29 March
• Adult and age grade community rugby (including schools and colleges) may resume at Stage D1.
• O2 Touch, Tag and Ready4Rugby training and matches are permitted within the club and against other clubs. We will confirm travel guidance when published by government.
• Contact training (excluding scrums and mauls) is permitted to introduce contact gradually and prepare players physically for the next stage on the Return to Rugby Roadmap. Our guidance strongly recommends a maximum of 20 minutes contact in total per session, with regular hand sanitising breaks during and after contact skills training and equipment should be cleaned after use. Players should avoid face-to-face exposure of more than three seconds and more than 15 minutes of exposure at less than one metre with another player.
by Bill Hooper
The Return to Rugby Roadmap released in March 2021 includes specific changes that support the return of Age Grade Rugby to the end of the current 2020-21 season, out of season 2021 and next season 2021-22. The next 12 to 18 months is about enabling as many options as we can for players to return to rugby, while ensuring their safety remains top priority.For these and the unchanged regulations, it is critical for everyone involved in the age grade game to apply a player welfare and safety lens at all times.
by Bill Hooper
March 2021 – Return to Rugby |
This edition includes: 1. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund – Loans prospectus 2. Return to Rugby On-field guidance 3. Return to Rugby Off-field guidance 4. Adult Male Future Competition Structure 5. RFU Council 6. Warrior Camps to return in May – sign up now! 7. Richard Jones Legacy Send photos and videos to @EnglandRugby of you gearing up for rugby; cleaning your boots, preparing the pitch and getting your kit ready with #ReturnToRugby. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Loans update We are now able to provide you with the advance prospectus alongside a video from RFU National Facility Development Manager, Ted Mitchell, that details the formats and the terms of asset loans available. This can also be found on our loans page, with the application period is set to open in early April. Advance Prospectus Prospectus Video Return to Rugby – on field guidance Monday will see the return of rugby at Stage D1, with Stage D2 (from Monday 26 April). We have updated our Age Grade Document to now include the below. Adaptations to Age Grade Rugby for 2021-22 Based on feedback we have made changes to Age Grade Rugby for 2021-22. These enable teams to be combined either up or down one age in the teenage years, if there are not enough numbers to field full sides in a single age group. We envisage this will be the exception, but the ability to do so could make the difference for these players who have been particularly disrupted by the pandemic; their safe transition to adult rugby is one of our highest risks. The 17 year olds playing adult changes have been revised to support this. The Age Grade changes document, version three, is on the Return to Rugby page below. Guidance includes advice for incremental contact training, building up to a max of 20 mins per session, excluding scrums and mauls, recommended coach to player ratio, equipment use and sanitisation advice. Return To Rugby Return to Rugby – off field guidance Off field guidance can be found on the return to rugby page with some of the more common questions answered in our FAQs which can be found below. All guidelines apply from Monday 29 March Government Step 1B until Government’s Step 2 comes into force, which will be no earlier than Monday 12 April. Details on Easter camps and Summer activity can also be found on the return to Rugby page. The age grade out of season regulation (see 15.8) is suspended in 2021. This is replaced with an RFU Summer Training and Playing Framework this year to enable age grade players to catch up on missed rugby development opportunities safely. On Friday 9 April the summer rugby training and playing framework for age grade players will be launched, including CB, DPP and rugby camps. The framework will be operational from June to the end of August and will include contact training and inter club activity. Support Centre FAQs Sport England FAQs To read the rest of the update click on the link |
by Bill Hooper
Exeter Chief’s full-back/wing Merryn Doidge has been selected for the England Roses squad for the upcoming Women’s 6 Nations.
Merryn, who began her playing career with Liskeard-Looe before progressing to Newquay Queen Bees, has played for Cornwall U.18s as well as England at both U.18 and U.20 level.
Everyone in Cornwall wishes Merryn the very best.
by Bill Hooper
The Cornwall Rugby Football Union has decided that the remainder of the 2020/21 season should be suspended. Clubs have been circulated and their wishes requested, but only eight clubs replied. Three of those decided they did not want any formal arrangement of fixtures, cup or league. The remaining five would have accepted some form of formal competition, but 2 of them would only play in a cup. There will, therefore, be no formally arranged rugby competitions during this time.
Clubs are reminded that, if they wish, they are free to arrange fixtures within the restrictions set down by RFU during what remains of the 2020/21 season. Any such fixtures must be arranged by participating clubs. Cornwall Rugby Referees Society is willing to provide referees for any games arranged by clubs and it will be for those clubs to contact the Society to arrange referees.
A full programme of league and cup rugby will resume for the 2021/22 season assuming that Government and RFU restrictions permit.
Chris Jewels.
Chairman CRFU Competitions Committee
by Bill Hooper
“The last 12 months have been unlike any other and have seen the rugby landscape change considerably. During these challenging times, our community game has had to evolve and innovate in order to continue to deliver, and engage with members. The 2021 Mitsubishi Motors Volunteer of the Year will help to recognise and celebrate the volunteers for their achievements and efforts, both on and off the field, during this unprecedented year.To reflect the challenges clubs have faced, and recognise the outstanding contribution volunteers have made to both their rugby clubs and the wider community, this year’s national awards will focus on three specific categories:
• Resilience in Rugby Volunteer Award
• Beyond Rugby Volunteer Award
• Diversity & Inclusion Volunteer Award Nominations could be for an individual, or a team of volunteers within the community game, who have gone above and beyond over the course of the pandemic.
As with previous years, the aim of the programme continues to be to thank volunteers for their contribution to the game, and beyond. Please read the description of each award in full before submitting your nomination. We have also created some Top Tips to consider when writing your application. Nominations will open from Tuesday 23rd March and close at midnight on Sunday 2nd May. Finalists will be invited to an awards ceremony in the summer, where the winners of each category will be announced. To recognise a volunteer, or a group of volunteers, who have gone above and beyond since the start of the pandemic to deliver rugby activity in new and innovative ways, supported the local community to overcome challenges or shown outstanding commitment to improve diversity within the game.”
We know that in Cornwall there a many volunteers who are doing a great job in our clubs. The news this week of the success of Jade Atkins of Falmouth RFC in the 2020 awards should be an inspiration to our clubs to get nominating.
More info re categories here:
Nominate here: